Sunday, June 17, 2012

No Prime Number

Ok, so Primus played a gig last night at Vancouver's storied and awesome Orpheus Theatre, and reviews (and the guy i talked to who went) said it was a ho-hum kind of unremarkable show. See this review for a good idea. Although, i never really trust what people have to say about shows they didnt like because for me, a show is such a personal experience i might have thought i was amazing. Who knows, maybe everyone else thought the show was slow and dull, but the band might have played all of one person's favourite songs and left them weeping in delight, yknow?

By the way, remember how awesome this video was?

Nice little interlude. Anyway, in my experience there are three types of people when it comes to Primus - the fans who love them and believe they're the cutting edge of experimental, limit-busting head rock; people like me, who will go to a show and enjoy it but wish it was more Phish-ey; and people who hate them. As you can tell, im in the second group. I like some of their work. I like the jammy, highly talented and sometimes-musical aspects of their sound, but like Jack White, sometimes it's just too much and feels a little too self-indulgent. Not saying thats what happened last night cuz, again, id see them if they werent half-way across the country. Unlike, say, moe., i would not travel around for a Primus gig. But if it were closer to home...

Please come to Ottawa, Les, or Montreal. Heck, id even settle for Toronto.  

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